Tuesday 29 November 2011

Image Analysis 'Thelma and Louise' (1991)

Camera angle

This picture is an example of a medium close up, these develop relationships between the character and the audience. The camera angle shows one the main characters involved (Louise), and also shows the importance of the gun as a weapon. The camera angle also clearly shows the facial expressions. This intertwined with the medium close up, helps develop the relationship between the character and the audience even further. It clearly shows that the man is the victim, due to the gun being pointed to his head, but also the fact that he looks uncomfortable.

Representation of Gender

The is woman is the offender, but it is usually the other way round, this may suggest that the woman is a femme fatale figure, which is a generic convention of the thriller genre. The fact that the woman is under control also suggests that she has all the power and the man’s life is in her hands.


This is an example of non-ambient lighting; the lighting is somehow dimmed, and unrealistic. There is a light source coming from the left side, which could be either a car headlamp or a door, which would suggest there was a witness.


In a car park which is a typical murder location. This could suggest that there was a witness at the club.


This shot can be compared to the Kill Bill sequel, as it challenges gender roles, and puts the woman in power, rather than the men.

1 comment:

  1. You understand the basic elements of the thriller convention and have made an effective inter-textual reference.

    Add another post identifying generic aspects of this screen shot which specifically indicate the film is a thriller.

    Well done for endeavouring to catch up with homework.
